× Matek H743-WLITE flight controller for flying wing Price:4 183 uah with VAT Price in USD:99.95 Bonuses will be issued for this product upon purchase
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Description Quality flight controller H743-WLITE from the famous brand MATEK System, from the line of flight controllers for flying wings. It is equipped with STM32H743VIH6 processor with 480MHz operating frequency, the latest ICM42688-P gyroscope, DPS310 barometer, OSD, seven UART ports, CAN port, 2x I2C, as well as 12 PWM outputs, 3 BEC and other interesting features.
Availability of 5V BEC output, which is designed for: flight controller, receiver, OSD, camera, squeaker, 2812 LED LED module, GPS module, AirSpeed
BEC 9V/12V output which is designed for video transmitter, camera, gimbal, etc.
MATEKH743 firmware available
Processor: STM32H743VIH6, 480MHz, 512KB RAM, 2MB Flash
Accelerometer / Gyroscope: ICM42688-P
Barometer: DPS310 (I2C2)
OSD: AT7456E
Blackbox: MicroSD card slot (SDIO)
UART ports: 7 (1,2,3,4,6,7,8) with built-in inversion
PWM outputs: 13 (including LED pad)
ADC(ADC): 6 (VBAT, Current, RSSI, Analog AirSpeed, VB2, CU2)
LEDs: 3 for FC STATUS (Blue, Red) and 3.3V indicator (Red)
I2C ports: 2
CAN port: 1
USB Type-C extender / squeaker
Switchable inputs for dual camera use
Switchable BEC: 9V/12V for VTX
High precision current sensor, 220A range
ADC voltage divider VB2: 1K: 20K
Voltage divider ADC AirSpeed: 20K: 20K
INAV TR / SA VTX control: yes
ArduPilot: MATEKH743
Mounting: 25 x 25 mm, hole diameter 2mm
Dimensions: 44 x 29 x 14.5mm
Weight: 22g (with USB/buzzer adapter)
Input voltage range: 6.8~30V (2~6S LiPo)
Output for ESC: 1
Battery voltage sensor 1K:20K (scale 2100 in INAV, BATT_VOLT_MULT 21.0 in ArduPilot)
Current sensor: 220A, 3.3V ADC (scale 150 in INAV, 66.7 A/V in ArduPilot)
Current sensing resistor: 90A continuous, 220A pulsed
BEC 5V output
Designed for flight controller, receiver, OSD, camera, beeper, 2812 LED LED module, GPS module, AirSpeed sensor
Continuous current: 2A, (max.3A)
BEC output 9V/12V
Designed for video transmitter, FPV camera, stabilizer, etc.
Continuous current: 2A, (max.3A)
12V option with jumper
For stable 9V/12V output, input voltage must be > output voltage +1V
BEC Vx output
Designed for servo drives
Adjustable voltage: 5V by default, 6V or 7.2V with jumper.
Continuous current: 8A, (max. 10A)
For stable Vx output, the input voltage must be > Vx voltage +1V
BEC 3.3V output
Designed for Baro / Compass module and external 3.3V peripherals
Linear regulator
Continuous current: 200mA
1x Matek H743-WLITE flight controller
1x USB(Type-C)/Sounder Extender (passive)
1x 20cm cable from JST-SH-6P to JST-SH-6P for USB adapter
2x 20cm cable from JST-GH-4P to JST-GH-4P for CAN and I2C port
1x Rubycon ZLH 35V 470uF capacitor
1x Dupont 2.54 pin set (connectors are not soldered to the board)
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