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Hawkeye Sharp Vision V1 FPV monitor 7" 800x480 with built-in 5.8 GHz receiver

Price:3 695 uahPrice in USD:88.29110.36
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Specially designed for FPV flying, the Hawkeye Sharp Vision all-in-one monitor with built-in 5.8G receiver for 40 channels is perfect for mounting on many common radio equipment. Automatic channel scanning makes it easy for you to find a working channel.

The V1 version comes without antenna and DVR.





Монитор Eagle Eye Sharp для FPV 7  800x480 со встроенным приемником 5 8 GHzМонитор eagle eye sharp для fpv 7  800x480 со встроенным приемником 5 8 ghz high bright led monitorМонитор eagle eye sharp для fpv 7  800x480 со встроенным приемником 5 8 ghz high bright led monitorМонитор Eagle Eye Sharp для FPV 7  800x480 со встроенным приемником 5 8 GHz

Tags: hawkeye

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