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Video glasses CADDXFPV/Walksnail Avatar HD Google L 5.8G helmet

Price:9 668 uah with VATPrice in USD:231.00
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TheCADDXFPV/Walksnail Avatar HD Goggles L video goggles/helmet features a single screen and a nine-axis gyroscope head tracking system that provides precise pan and tilt control. Thanks to H.265 encoding technology, the glasses provide 1080p video at 60 frames per second with a minimum latency of 32 ms. The built-in 4.9dBi antenna provides signal transmission over a distance of up to 4km. The 4.5-inch screen with a resolution of 1920x1080 provides a clear image. The screen has a viewing angle of 75°, giving pilots a wider field of view for better control during flights.


Video review of CADDXFPV/Walksnail Avatar HD Google L glasses


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Відео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8GВідео окуляри CADDXFPV Walksnail Avatar HD Googles L 5 8G

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