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CNHL G+Plus 5000mAh 22.2V 22.2V 6S 70C Lipo XT90 Battery

Price:3 621 uahPrice in USD:86.50
Brand: CNHLSKU 17060
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CNHL G+Plus 5000mAh 22.2V 6S 70C is a powerful and reliable 6s lite-polymer battery in the brand's lineup. With 5000mAh capacity and high 70C discharge rate, the battery guarantees long-lasting performance and stable performance. For convenience, the battery features an XT90 connector for easy connection and compatibility with most builds.


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Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 5000mAh 22 2V 6S 70C Lipo XT90Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 5000mAh 22 2V 6S 70C Lipo XT90Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 5000mAh 22 2V 6S 70C Lipo XT90Аккумулятор CNHL G Plus 5000mAh 22 2V 6S 70C Lipo XT90

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