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CNHL Racing Series 3400mAh 22.2V 6S 100C Lipo Battery

Price:2 260 uahPrice in USD:53.99
Brand: CNHLSKU 17983
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TheCNHL Racing Series 3400mAh 22.2V 6S 100C Lipo Battery provides stable power for power-hungry equipment with its 3400mAh capacity and 22.2V voltage. The 6S configuration allows it to be used in systems that require high performance. A constant discharge rate of 100C and a peak discharge rate of 200C ensure reliable operation even under heavy loads. The XT60 connector and JST/XH balancing connector ensure compatibility with modern devices and charging systems.




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Акумулятор CNHL Racing Series 3400 mAh 22 2 V 6 S 100 C LipoАкумулятор CNHL Racing Series 3400 mAh 22 2 V 6 S 100 C LipoАкумулятор CNHL Racing Series 3400 mAh 22 2 V 6 S 100 C LipoАкумулятор CNHL Racing Series 3400 mAh 22 2 V 6 S 100 C Lipo

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