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CNHL Racing Series 9500mAh 22.2V 6S 90C Lipo XT90 Battery

Price:5 901 uahPrice in USD:141.00
Brand: CNHLSKU 17253
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The powerful CNHL Racing Series 9500mAh 22.2V 6S 90C Lipo XT90 battery is designed specifically for demanding applications. With an impressive 9500mAh capacity, 90C discharge rate and 6S1P configuration, it is able to withstand demanding tasks and long-distance flights. It is suitable for use with large drones, such as 10-inch builds.


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Акумулятор CNHL Racing Series 9500mAh 22 2V 6S 90C Lipo XT90

Reviews and discussions

  • vladys8 Май 2024, 12:59
    Підскажіть скільки максимально може видати ампер акумулятор , більше 100 ампер чи менше
  • flewerty8 Май 2024, 13:04
    vladys, більше 100А.
    тут рейт 90с помножити на 9.5А(ємність) = вийде дуже багато...

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