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CNHL Black Series 5000mAh 14.8V 6S 65C Lipo Battery with XT90

Price:3 341 uahPrice in USD:78.60
Brand: CNHLSKU 17106


TheCNHL Black Series 5000mAh 22.2V 6S 65C is a quality and reliable lithium polymer battery. The battery has a capacity of 5000mAh and a voltage of 22.2V to provide a high level of power and performance. With a discharge current of 65C, the battery is able to withstand high loads and give maximum power, which is especially important when performing complex maneuvers and active flying. With the CNHL Black Series 5000mAh 22.2V 6S 65C, you can get high performance and long flight time.


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Аккумулятор CNHL Black Series 5000mAh 14 8V 6S 65C Lipo с XT90Аккумулятор CNHL Black Series 5000mAh 14 8V 6S 65C Lipo с XT90Размеры Аккумулятор CNHL Black Series 5000mAh 14 8V 4S 65C Lipo с XT90

Reviews and discussions

  • rijik25 Апр 2023, 14:58
    14.8V 6S щось не сходиться. Доброго дня

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