ArduPilot Mega is a flight controller with a complete UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) solution. In addition to simple manual control, the cotroller has a lot of different flight modes, including automatic missions such as flying on a map or a predefined route to set points. A round-trip telemetry transfer function will allow you to control the device throughout the flight via smartphone, tablet or computer. And built-in brain logging, will allow you to record and view technical readings such as sensor readings, GPS and more.
This version does not have a built-in compass (the use of an internal compass increases the likelihood of interference from power parts, which is fraught with the fall of the aircraft) and is designed to connect with an external compass along with a GPS module.
Low price compared to other flight controllers of this functionality
Full automatic pilot
Set up to 166 flight points on the map
Edit flight route on the fly
Open source code and software
Support for various types of controllable vehicles: Tricopter, Quadcopter (X, +, H, V frames), Hexacopter, Octocopter, Y6, X8, traditional helicopters, airplanes, cars and boats
3-axis gyroscope, accelerometer and high precision barometer
Stabilization system with aerial acrobatics capability
GPS position keeping, point-to-point flight and return to the start point
Ability to use infrared sensor for obstacle avoidance
Support for ultrasonic sensor (Sonar sensor) for automatic takeoff and landing
Automatic following of waypoints
PWM motor control using low-cost ESCs
Proprietary stabilization system for camera (suspension controller function)
Radio communication and telemetry from on-board
Support for multiple frames and configurations of flying and riding vehicles
Support for battery level sensor
Customizable flight light indication
Compatible with many radio controlled PWM and PPM signal receivers
Real-time telemetry data transmission
Supports OSD telemetry (overlaying telemetry data on video transmission) using MAVLINK protocol
Configuration of flight points via Google Maps
On-board flash memory 16Mbit for automatic data logging
6 degrees of freedom in InvenSense accelerometer, MPU-6000 gyroscope
Barometric pressure sensor upgraded to MS5611-01BA03, from Measurement Specialties
Atmel ATmega2560-16AU controller and ATMEGA32U-2 chip for processing and USB function
Automatic firmware update when connected to the program
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