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VIFLY ShortSaver2 Smart Smoke Stopper 2-6S XT30 XT60 fuse

Price:529 uahPrice in USD:12.50
SKU 17651
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The VIFLY ShortSaver2 Smart Smoke Stopper is a device designed to protect electronic components from short circuits and overloads. VIFLY ShortSaver2 is safe and reliable unlike other car bulbs and poly fuses. Fast shutdown response for devices that consume above the threshold within just 3ms (15ms). Suitable for use in a variety of electronic devices, including drones.



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Запобіжник VIFLY ShortSaver2 Smart Smoke Stopper 2-6S XT30 XT60Запобіжник VIFLY ShortSaver2 Smart Smoke Stopper 2-6S XT30 XT60Запобіжник VIFLY ShortSaver2 Smart Smoke Stopper 2-6S XT30 XT60Запобіжник VIFLY ShortSaver2 Smart Smoke Stopper 2-6S XT30 XT60Запобіжник VIFLY ShortSaver2 Smart Smoke Stopper 2-6S XT30 XT60Запобіжник VIFLY ShortSaver2 Smart Smoke Stopper 2-6S XT30 XT60

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