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TS832+RC832 600mW transmitter and receiver kit for 40 channels of 5.8G. Improved version with RaceBand

Price:1 816 uahPrice in USD:43.3945.67
SKU 10462
Archival goods

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The 40-channel (+RaceBand) upgrade kit consists of a TS832 transmitter and RC832 receiver.

TS832 40CH transmitter characteristics

Attention! Before applying power to the transmitter, the antenna must be installed, otherwise the transmitter will malfunction.

Characteristics of RC832 receiver

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Комплект TS832 RC832 600mW передатчик и приемник на 40 канала 5 8G  комплектацияКомплект TS832 RC832 600mW передатчик и приемник на 40 канала 5 8G  частотная таблица

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