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Protection for video transmitter antenna made of TPU plastic

Price:162 uahPrice in USD:3.85
SKU 13838
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Protective mount for video transmitter antenna made of TPU plastic. The protector easily attaches to the quadcopter frame posts.




3d printing parts foxeer lollipop antenna ufl dedicated tpu fpv crossing machine antenna tailstock Защита для антенны из ТПУ пластика крепление3d printing parts foxeer lollipop antenna ufl dedicated tpu fpv crossing machine antenna tailstock Защита для антенны из ТПУ пластика крепление3d printing parts foxeer lollipop antenna ufl dedicated tpu fpv crossing machine antenna tailstock Защита для антенны из ТПУ пластика крепление3d printing parts foxeer lollipop antenna ufl dedicated tpu fpv crossing machine antenna tailstock Защита для антенны из ТПУ пластика крепление

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