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JR Transmitter Module TBS Crossfire TX LITE

Price:7 931 uah with VATPrice in USD:189.49
Brand: TBSSKU 18114
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Team Black Sheep is renowned for its success in long distance flying, extreme mountain or challenging urban environments. During numerous tests around the world, TBS gathered a list of requirements and found that no existing system could meet them all. Thus, TBS began the long journey to build an RC communications system from the ground up to provide first-class reliability and state-of-the-art functionality.

TBS Crossfire TX LITE is a state-of-the-art transmitting JR module for radio equipment, with -130dB sensitivity and full diversity that provide quality communications over long distances up to 30-40 km.

Crossfire TX LITE is based on the latest RF technology capable of self-healing two-way communication in case of signal loss. Through the OLED display on the transmitter, you can track the real-time location of your drone (requires TBS GPS or BlackBox with DJI Naza or APM-based GPS). The uplink and downlink are displayed on the screen, as well as configuration options via the OLED display eliminating any customization tools via PC. A flickering LED indicator displays your link level in color (green = continue, orange = deploy). In case of a crash, the drone's location is also visible on the OLED. The receiver's built-in battery automatically turns it into a beacon, and it will continue to transmit its last known location until the battery runs out.

Built-in telemetry opens up new possibilities in system control, from firmware updates, to customizing the video transmitter channel, to adjusting flight control parameters such as PID coefficients. Adaptive bandwidth controls the transmission rate or optimizes it to reach the maximum range. Crossfire's proprietary CRSF protocol between receiver and transmitter provides very low latency with incredible throughput (3 times faster, 6 times more data than any comparable protocol). This tight integration makes TBS Crossfire the logical choice for those flying Betaflight, Raceflight, KiSS, ArduPilot, and Pixhawk firmware.

Despite the non-standard size of the module, thanks to the JR adapter with 3M Velcro, it can be installed in almost any radio equipment FrSky, FlySky and others.

The LITE version differs from the basic version of TBS CROSSFIRE TX only by the absence of Bluetooth.






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Reviews and discussions

  • Вячеслав Чабаненко9 Фев 2020, 05:14
    Когда ожидается поставка в Одессу?
  • petrov26 Фев 2020, 13:32
    Когда ожидается поставка
  • it_was26 Фев 2020, 13:53
    petrov, В начале марта.
  • saharok_go10 Июл 2020, 19:44
    Когда появятся?
  • rcpup13 Июл 2020, 13:09
  • Олександр Малий26 Май 2021, 18:30
    Привезите, а? Можно даже старшую версию.
  • mamburu23130 Авг 2021, 11:07
    Когда будет поставка? И желательно старшая версия
  • mamburu23130 Авг 2021, 11:07
    Когда будет поставка? И желательно старшая версия
  • it_was31 Авг 2021, 13:44
    mamburu231, Пока нет, у производителя нет в наличии.

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