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RushFPV 4.9G/5.8G 2.5W VTX Dual-Band video transmitter for 56 channels

Price:4 018 uah with VATPrice in USD:95.99
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TheRushFPV 4.9G/5.8G 2.5W VTX video transmitter supports two frequency bands, which provides a wide range of channels for video transmission. With adjustable power from 25mW to 2500mW, the device can adapt to different operating conditions. The aluminum housing with three levels of protection and a built-in fan effectively dissipate heat, allowing the transmitter to be used in high-loaded modes. It is controlled by theIRC Tramp protocol, which simplifies configuration and monitoring. PLL technology ensures frequency accuracy with a deviation of no more than ±200KHz.


Setup instructions for RushFPV 4.9G/5.8G 2.5W VTX Dual-Band Video Transmitter

Відео передавач RushFPV 4 9G 5 8G 2 5W VTX Dual-Band на 56 каналів hidden

The antenna must be installed before use!

The frequency of the antenna must match the SMA interface definition!

Notes on use:


Attention!!! Antennas are not included in the package

Package contents.



Відео передавач RushFPV 4 9G 5 8G 2 5W VTX Dual-Band на 56 каналівВідео передавач RushFPV 4 9G 5 8G 2 5W VTX Dual-Band на 56 каналівВідео передавач RushFPV 4 9G 5 8G 2 5W VTX Dual-Band на 56 каналівВідео передавач RushFPV 4 9G 5 8G 2 5W VTX Dual-Band на 56 каналівВідео передавач RushFPV 4 9G 5 8G 2 5W VTX Dual-Band на 56 каналів

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