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Flysky FS-R6B receiver. Receiver for 6 channels

Price:499 uahPrice in USD:11.91
Brand: FlySkySKU 10215


The FS-R6B 6-channel receiver is designed to work with FlySky equipment.

Radio control is carried out by FlySky patented technology AFHDS (Automatic Frequency Hopping Digital System), which gives noise immunity, fast response and long range, which is achieved through intelligent selection of radio frequency.

For: FS-CT6B, TH9x, Turnigy 9XR.



Приемник Flysky FS-R6B  Ресивер на 6 каналовПриемник Flysky FS-R6B  Ресивер на 6 каналовПриемник Flysky FS-R6B  Ресивер на 6 каналов

Tags: flysky

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