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LiitoKala NCR18650B 3400mAh 1S 3.6V Li-ion Battery

Price:169 uahPrice in USD:3.99


LiitoKala NCR18650B - original lithium-ion batteries, are an inexpensive analog of the well-known Panasonic NCR18650B. They have a flat plus contact, without protection.

By chemical composition it is NCR battery 18650 (NCA, lithium-nickel cobalt aluminum oxide) - batteries of this type do not have high current-releasing properties of manganese INR or IMR batteries, but compared to them have higher capacity and longer life cycle, also batteries of this subtype are the safest lithium cells.

The battery life cycle is more than 500 charge/discharge cycles


Warning: LiitoKala NCR18650B 3400mAh LiitoKala NCR18650B 3400mAh batteries do not have a protection board and therefore require the following operating conditions:


Аккумулятор liitokala ncr18650b 3400mah 1s 3 7v li-ion литий-ионный 18650Аккумулятор liitokala ncr18650b 3400mah 1s 3 7v li-ion литий-ионный 18650Аккумулятор liitokala ncr18650b 3400mah 1s 3 7v li-ion литий-ионный 18650Аккумулятор liitokala ncr18650b 3400mah 1s 3 7v li-ion литий-ионный 18650

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