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Insulating varnish Lakier PVB 60 for PCBs

Price:231 uahPrice in USD:5.50
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Universal insulating varnish Lakier PVB 60 from the Polish manufacturer AG TermoPasty.

Fast-drying clearcoat PVB has excellent insulating properties. It protects from moisture and corrosion of drukovaniye boards and other elements that operate in unfavorable atmospheric conditions. The coating also protects drukovaniye boards from the formation of stray jets and short jams.

Special features

Pay attention! In 50ml bottles of Flymod penzlick is absent!



Изоляционный лак lakier pvb 60 для печатных плат ag termopasty varnishІзоляційний лак Lakier PVB 60 для друкованих плат

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