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Solder paste Mechanic XGZ40

Price:222 uahPrice in USD:5.30
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Mechanic XGZ40 solder paste consists of flux and solder microparticles of 20-38 microns. Suitable for surface soldering and repair of PCB, BGA, SMD, PGA components.




How to use

  1. Pre-cleaned and degreased PCB surface
  2. Position the PCB horizontally
  3. Squeeze some paste onto the soldering area and position the components
  4. Heat the paste. When heated, the flux boils and the Mechanic XGZ40 paste shrinks in size. The solder balls that make up the paste will then begin to melt
  5. After the heating is complete, the paste will solidify within a few seconds.


Паяльная паста mechanic xgz40 35г solder paste паяльный оловянный крем bgaПаяльная паста mechanic xgz40 35г solder paste паяльный оловянный крем bga

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