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Happymodel ExpressLRS EPW6 900MHz 6CH PWM Receiver

Price:586 uahPrice in USD:13.99


Happymodel EPW6 receiver with ELRS protocol, frequency 915MHz m 6 channels. These receivers are used on flying wings and airplanes that do not need a flight controller and are controlled via the receiver and servos.

Happymodel EPW6 is flashed via CrossFire protocol pins - RX / TX (PWM3 / PWM2).



Receiver Tethering Procedure

  1. Apply power to the EPW6 RX, wait for the green LED on the RX to turn off, immediately turn off the power, and then repeat the above steps again. When the RX turns on for the third time, the green LED will start flashing twice, indicating that the RX has entered binding mode
  2. Enter the ELRS.LUA V2.0 menu on your radio and then press BIND. If the binding was successful, the green LED will be on continuously

Receiver LED values:


happymodel expresslrs elrs epw6 900mhz 6ch pwm rc receiver for fixed-wing Приемник шим 915mhzhappymodel expresslrs elrs epw6 900mhz 6ch pwm rc receiver for fixed-wing Приемник шим 915mhzhappymodel expresslrs elrs epw6 900mhz 6ch pwm rc receiver for fixed-wing Приемник шим 915mhz

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