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Battery GNB 300mAh 1S 3.8V 60C HV LiPo PH2.0

Price:210 uahPrice in USD:4.99


GNB 300mAh 1S 60C lithium polymer battery with increased HV voltage up to 3.8V.

Attention! This type of battery must be charged in a special mode for LiHV batteries. Your charger must support this type of battery.



Аккумулятор gnb 300mah 1s 3 8v 60c hv lipo ph2 0 batteryАккумулятор gnb 300mah 1s 3 8v 60c hv lipo ph2 0 batteryАккумулятор gnb 300mah 1s 3 8v 60c hv lipo ph2 0 batteryАккумулятор gnb 300mah 1s 3 8v 60c hv lipo ph2 0 battery

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