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Panasonic NCR18650BD 3100 mAh 10A battery without protection

Price:252 uahPrice in USD:6.00
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Panasonic NCR18650BD 3100 mAh 10A lithium-ion batteries with a current output of up to 10A. Provide high capacity with small dimensions. They are used to power various portable equipment, including hardware.


Warning. Li-ion batteries should not be charged above 4.2V - 4.35V (depending on model) and discharged below 2.5V - 2.7V.
Violation of the operating conditions will lead to failure of the Li-ion battery.



Аккумулятор Panasonic NCR18650BD 3200 mAh 10ААккумулятор Panasonic NCR18650BD 3200 mAh 10А

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