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Naze32 rev6 FULL Flight Controller with Barometer and Compass for Multicopter

Price:1 030 uahPrice in USD:24.60
SKU 10632
Archival goods

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TheNaze32 Full 10 DOF is a version of the controller with higher quality barometer sensors MS6511 and compass sensors MHC5983, which are more accurate than the regular 10 DOF. However, the sensors are more expensive, making the Full version the most expensive in the Naze32 lineup, but also the best performing.

Features of the Full rev 6 version




Контроллер полета Naze32 Full 10Dof rev6 с барометром и компасом для мультикоптераКонтроллер полета Naze32 Full 10Dof rev6 с барометром и компасом для мультикоптераКонтроллер полета Naze32 Full 10Dof rev6 с барометром и компасом для мультикоптера распиновка разъемов каналы покдлючение платы

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