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Eachine FR F3 EVO flight controller with built-in FrSky receiver for collector multirotor systems

Price:1 190 uahPrice in USD:27.99
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Eachine FR F3 EVO is a mini all-in-one flight controller with built-in receiver for FrSky radio equipment for micro multirotor systems with collector motors. The modern F303 chip allows you to fly like a racing quad. All you need to do is connect the camera with transmitter, motors, bind to your Taranis and fly.



Receiver connection

  1. First you need to solder 2 pins on the board, then connect the battery and the LED will turn green, it means that the receiver has entered the binding mode.
  2. Turn on the radio equipment and select the operating mode to receive D8.
  3. If communication with the transmitter is successful, the green light will disappear. Reconnect the battery and the LED should turn Green again.

Customization in CleanFlight

For correct operation of the controller and collector motors it is necessary to write the following command"set motor_pwm_rate = 1000" in the command line (CLI) of CleanFlight or BetaFlight, then execute the command"save" to save the settings.


Контроллер полета Eachine FR F3 EVO со встроеным приемником FrSky для коллекторных мультироторных системКонтроллер полета Eachine FR F3 EVO со встроеным приемником FrSky для коллекторных мультироторных системКонтроллер полета Eachine FR F3 EVO со встроеным приемником FrSky для коллекторных мультироторных системКонтроллер полета Eachine FR F3 EVO со встроеным приемником FrSky для коллекторных мультироторных систем

Tags: eachine

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