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LUX F303 Flight Controller. Acro (clone)

Price:615 uahPrice in USD:14.4528.90
SKU 10619
Archival goods

This item is no longer supplied


The LUX flight controller provides high quality flight control with a powerful F303 processor and gyroscope with an update rate of up to 8kHz over SPI bus, allowing you to set ultra low looptimes for even more precise control of the drone.



Included are anti-vibration o-rings on which it is recommended to mount the controller to avoid unwanted vibrations on the sensitive MPU6500 gyroscope.

First connection and driver installation on the LUX controller:

  1. The first plugging into USB should be done with the BOOT button pressed (after plugging in, the button can be released).
  2. Next, download and open the Zadig program from
  3. Select Options > List All Devices in the context menu of the program.
  4. Select STM32 Bootloader device from the drop-down list.
  5. Click "replace driver" or "install driver".
  6. All, the controller is ready for use and flashing, you just need to turn off/on USB in the usual way.

It can be flashed with BetaFlight and a firmware called LUX.

There are two jumpers on the bottom of the controller to select the receiver power supply (5V or 3.3V) and connection type (SBUS or PPM).


Контроллер полета LUX F303  AcroКонтроллер полета LUX F303  AcroКонтроллер полета LUX F303  Acro комплектация

Reviews and discussions

  • tafred14 Апр 2020, 20:43
    Скажите пожалуйста .какое входящее напряжение на полетный контоллер можно подавать?
  • flewerty14 Апр 2020, 21:29
    tafred, 5 вольт должно быть напряжение.

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