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EMAX F4 Magnum flight controller

Price:1 297 uahPrice in USD:30.99
Brand: EMAXSKU 13275
Archival goods

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A high quality EMAX F4 Magnum flight controller based on the STM32F405 chip and MPU6000 gyroscope, which is the basis of the Magnum Tower 6-in-1 kit but can be used separately from it.

The flight controller includes built-in Betaflight OSD, built-in buzzer, 5V BEC, built-in LC filter, Black Box 16mb for flight log recording, dedicated PPM / Sbus receiver input and 3 UART outputs.

Perfectly compatible with the EMAX Bullet 4 in 1 30A speed controller.



Контроллер полета emax f4 magnum tower flight controllerКонтроллер полета emax f4 magnum tower flight controller

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