DYS Fire 2206 are very powerful and high performance collectorless racing motors for fast and long tracks. New level in production with 0.1mm clearances between magnets and stator, Japanese bearings and powerful N54 magnets.
Please note that the motors are only manufactured with CW conventional (straight) threads.
Genuine Japanese ISC bearings of excellent quality.
Minimum clearance of 0.10mm between magnets and stator, so each motor is quality assembled and balanced from the factory.
Quality neodymium (Neodymium) magnets N54, give better acceleration and stopping, provide longer motor life.
Well proven in racing and extreme loads: steel, hollow shaft M5.
Features 2300KV
Revolutions per Volt (KV): 2300KV
Cable type: 20AWG
Stator Diameter: 22mm
Stator height: 6 mm
Shaft Dimeter: 3 mm
Configuration: 12N14P
Motor diameter: 27.7 mm
Motor height: 17.7 mm
Shaft thread diameter: M5 hollow shaft
Input Voltage: 3S-6S (12.6 - 22.2v)
Maximum current: 31.7A
Maximum consumption: 507.2W
Internal resistance: 0.06Ω
Maximum thrust with propellers: 1350g+
Weight with wires: 32г.
Specifications 2600KV
Revolutions per Volt (KV): 2600KV
Cable type: 20AWG
Stator Diameter: 22mm
Stator height: 6 mm
Shaft Dimeter: 3 mm
Configuration: 12N14P
Motor diameter: 27.7 mm
Motor height: 17.7 mm
Shaft thread diameter: M5 hollow shaft
Input Voltage: 3S-6S (12.6 - 22.2v)
Maximum current: 34.8A
Maximum consumption: 556.8W
Internal resistance: 0.05Ω
Color: purple
Maximum pull: 1200g+
Weight with wires: 32г.
1x - DYS Fire 2206 Race Series motor (CW thread)
2x - nuts for the motor aluminum, colored
2x - set of bolts for the motor, 4mm and 3mm thick frames
Attention! При встановленні на занадто довгі болти можуть пошкодити обмотку двигуна, що виведе його з ладу.
Шикарные моторы по цене и тяге делают emax rs2205s процентов на 20-25! Работают тише и имеют 4мм толщину вала под подшипники. Выдерживают сумасшедшие краши!!!
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