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Motors Cobra CPL2205 2500KV. 2 pcs.

Price:1 130 uahPrice in USD:26.9935.98
Brand: CobraSKU 11759
Archival goods

This item is no longer supplied


A bright and long-awaited new product from Cobra - powerful motors in the color of a poisonous snake! Lightweight version of motors CP2205 weighing only 24 grams can provide quadcopter thrust up to 1020g per motor.

Includes two motors with CW (conventional) shaft thread for the propeller.


Attention! При встановленні на занадто довгі болти можуть пошкодити обмотку двигуна, що виведе його з ладу.


Моторы Cobra CPL2205-2500KVМоторы Cobra CPL2205 2500KVМоторы Cobra CPL2205 2500KVМоторы Cobra CPL2205 2500KVМоторы Cobra CPL2205 2500KV

Tags: cobra

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