A bright and long-awaited new product from Cobra - powerful motors in the color of a poisonous snake! Lightweight version of motors CP2205 weighing only 24 grams can provide quadcopter thrust up to 1020g per motor.
Includes two motors with CW (conventional) shaft thread for the propeller.
RPM per volt: 2500KV
Idle current consumption: 0.7A (8V)
Maximum power consumption: 370W
Maximum current consumption: 23A
Internal resistance: 0.067Ohm
Stator diameter: 22mm
Stator thickness: 5mm
Motor shaft diameter: 3mm
Propeller shaft diameter: 5mm
Maximum current: 21.5A
Maximum thrust with HQ5040 propellers: 1020г
Internal resistance: 0.08 ohms
Outer diameter: 27mm
Motor height (without shaft): 14.2mm
Weight: 24g
Attention! При установке слишком длинные болты могут повредить обмотку мотора, что выведет его из строя.
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