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ExpressLRS BAYCK Diversity RX 433Mhz receiver

Price:1 235 uah with VATPrice in USD:29.50
Brand: BAYCKSKU 18121
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Out of stockExpected: 8 Апр 2025

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The ExpressLRS BAYCK Diversity RX 433Mhz receiver provides stable communication in the 400-550Mhz frequency range thanks to diversity technology and the use of two LR1121 chips with high-precision C3 and TCXO components. The 2x100mW transmit power ensures reliable operation over long distances. Support for 3.6-5.5V input voltage makes the receiver compatible with a variety of power sources. The compact size of 18x26mm and weight of 1.6g make it easy to integrate the device into various systems.



Setup guide for the ExpressLRS BAYCK Diversity RX 433Mhz Receiver

Please note: you need to shorten the length of the antenna if you need to use a different frequency. (Like diversity 435, diversity 465, diversity 500, diversity 535)

Attention: the default frequency: 435Mhz

Bottom frequency: 15Mhz Center frequency Frequency above 15Mhz Antenna length
400 415 430 147mm
420 435 450 137mm
450 465 480 126mm
485 500 515 115mm
520 535 550 107mm

An example of customizing the antenna to the desired frequency

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Приймач ExpressLRS BAYCK Diversity RX 433 MhzПриймач ExpressLRS BAYCK Diversity RX 433 MhzПриймач ExpressLRS BAYCK Diversity RX 433 MhzПриймач ExpressLRS BAYCK Diversity RX 433 Mhz

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