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AKK FX3-ultimate-DVR 25/200/600/1000mW video transmitter for 37 channels

Price:994 uahPrice in USD:23.75
Brand: AKKSKU 14331
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AKK FX3-Ultimate-DVR is a modified version of AKK FX3-ultimate video transmitter. The main differences are the increased power up to 1000mW and an additional DVR module, because of which the board size increased to 30.5 x 30.5mm, but the mounting layout remained the same as before 20 x 20mm. DVR model has its own control button and LED indication.

Removed U.FL antenna output, now there is only MMCX output on the board.



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Видео передатчик AKK FX3-ultimate-DVR 25 200 600 1000mWВидео передатчик AKK FX3-ultimate-DVR 25 200 600 1000mWВидео передатчик AKK FX3-ultimate-DVR 25 200 600 1000mWВидео передатчик AKK FX3-ultimate-DVR 25 200 600 1000mWВидео передатчик AKK FX3-ultimate-DVR 25 200 600 1000mWВидео передатчик AKK FX3-ultimate-DVR 25 200 600 1000mWВидео передатчик AKK FX3-ultimate-DVR 25 200 600 1000mW

Reviews and discussions

  • Антон Коба21 Окт 2019, 18:28
    Какое разрешение/фпс DVR?
  • it_was23 Окт 2019, 12:51
    antonkoba, Добрый день. VGA, 640*480, NTSC 30fps, PAL 25fps.
  • zakhar19 Сен 2020, 09:17
    Доброго дня, ще буде в наявності?

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