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RX5808 MM238R-MCU Video Receiver Module V1.1 5.8G

Price:419 uahPrice in USD:9.99
SKU 16440


The compact 24-channel 5.8G audio/video receiver has a receive sensitivity of -90dBm, will operate at an input voltage of 3.3 ~ 5.5V and consumes a paltry 190mA when operating. The receiver is ideal for connecting to FPV goggles or LCD monitors.

The module has 2 modes of operation: the first mode has 8 predefined channels and the second mode is designed for use with SPI protocol. This mode can be customized in 1MHz increments between 5645~5945MHz to get a staggering 300 channels.

Note: For full specifications and pin assignments, please refer to the attached manual in the Files section.


Traditional FPV channels that can be customized with SPI:

Band A: 5865/5845/5825/5805/5785/5765/5745/5725MHz
Band B: 5733/5752/5771/5790/5809/5828/5847/5866MHz
Band E: 5705/5685/5665/5645/5885/5905/5925/5945MHz
Band F: 5740/5760/5780/5800/5820/5840/5860/5880MHz
Band R: 5658/5695/5732/5769/5806/5843/5880/5917MHz
Band D: 5362/5399/5436/5473/5510/5547/5584/5621MHz
Band U: 5325/5348/5366/5384/5402/5420/5438/5456MHz
Band O: 5474/5492/5510/5528/5546/5564/5582/5600MHz
Band L: 5333/5373/5413/5453/5493/5533/5573/5613MHz
Band H: 5653/5693/5733/5773/5813/5853/5893/5933MHz



5 8ghz fpv wireless mm238r-mcu М1ю1 audio video receiver w spi protocol Модуль видео приёмника rx5808 5808

Reviews and discussions

  • mazila15 Апр 2022, 16:04
    Если его впаять вместо того, что в очках ev800d, будет работать? А то перестал один из приемников работать...
  • FLYMOD ✔15 Апр 2022, 16:05
    mazila, Так, буде працювати

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