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Heat shrink set 328 pcs. 5 colors

Price:208 uahPrice in USD:4.95
SKU 13889
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Set of 328 pcs. of polyolefin heat shrink tubing.




328pcs bag fpv model heat shrinkable tube crossing machine with f4 flight control dshot esc Набор термоусадок 328 шт  5 цветов термоусадка328pcs bag fpv model heat shrinkable tube crossing machine with f4 flight control dshot esc Набор термоусадок 328 шт  5 цветов термоусадка328pcs bag fpv model heat shrinkable tube crossing machine with f4 flight control dshot esc Набор термоусадок 328 шт  5 цветов термоусадка

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