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The 1mm Heat Tie is used to insulate small signal wires 26-28AWG and smaller.

The 2mm Heat Tie is used to insulate small wires.

The 5mm heat tape is used to insulate large power wires or connectors. For example, silicone 12-14 AWG and XT60 connectors.

The 45mm heat shrink is used to protect and insulate various circuit boards and batteries

The diameter of any heat shrink shrink shrinks by half when heated.

When ordering from 2 pieces of one item, the heat shrink is delivered in one piece.


Diameter Band width, mm Shrink diameter, ~, mm
1 mm 1,57 0,5
2 mm 3,14 1
5 mm 7,85 2,5
8 mm 12,5 4
10 mm 15,7 5
15 mm 23,5 7,5
45 mm 70,6 22,5


Термостяжка 1мм 2мм 5мм Черная для изоляции 100см 5мм awg разьем xt60 термоусадка для изоляции

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