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Flymod/Creation Freestyle Contest 2020

21 Сен 2020, 12:08
Flymod/Creation Freestyle Contest 2020

The first online contest for the best freestyle drone of Ukraine!

Prize places:

Win a frame for assembling a quadrocopter from creation frames and a gift certificate for the amount of 50-150uye from Flymod store!

The winner will take the frame of their choice - cinematic\freestyle\race

Selection criteria:

Contest conditions:

Apply for participation at the link:
Application form

  1. The deadline for video submissions is October 20 inclusive. After a week the results of the contest will be summarized.
  2. Do not use old footage. The video must be fresh and shot specifically for the contest.
  3. Post the video on YouTube with the title Flymod/Creation Freestyle Competition 2020.
  4. Subscribe to instagram channels @flymodfpv, @creation_frames, @creation.fpv.
  5. The competition is held only on the territory of Ukraine!

Winners will be chosen by the general judges' vote according to the point system.
Points will be assigned in 4 categories, based on which the total score will be formed.

Scoring categories:

All questions and discussion in telegram group Flymod/Creation, there is also a link to monitor the results.


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