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Amass XT60PW 90 degree angle connectors

Price:39 uahPrice in USD:0.92
Brand: AMASSSKU 11876
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Amass' new generation XT60PW connector is 90 degrees to the board. The back panel design has a rounded shape that protects the connection from external factors that contribute to shorting. Easy soldering, tight connection without any gaps, good sealing. Male and Female connector is used for soldering on PCB.



amass xt60pw plug with horizontal 90 degree Коннекторы amass угловые 90 градусов коннектор xt 60 переходникamass xt60pw plug with horizontal 90 degree Коннекторы amass угловые 90 градусов коннектор xt 60 переходникamass xt60pw plug with horizontal 90 degree Коннекторы amass угловые 90 градусов коннектор xt 60 переходникamass xt60pw plug with horizontal 90 degree Коннекторы amass угловые 90 градусов коннектор xt 60 переходникamass xt60pw plug with horizontal 90 degree Коннекторы amass угловые 90 градусов коннектор xt 60 переходник

Tags: amass

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