The iFlight Xing X1404 iFlight Xing X1404 motorless motors are designed to build ultra-light Toothpick drones under 3" propellers and 2-4S LiPo batteries.
Revolutions per volt: 3800KV
Configuration: 9N12P
Shaft Diameter: 2mm
Stator diameter: 12 mm
Stator length: 4 mm
Internal resistance: 145 megohms
Input Voltage: 2-4S LiPo
Maximum continuous power: 217.3W
Maximum continuous current: 13.58A (60sec)
Bearing: 5 x 2 x 2.5mm
Fixing pattern: 9 x 9mm, M2
Dimensions: Φ19.2 x 18.5 mm
Weight with wires: 9.3g
1 x Xing X1404 iFlight Xing motor
4 x mounting screws M2 x 5
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