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X500 Carbon 500mm Carbon frame

Price:1 674 uahPrice in USD:39.99
SKU 16611


The X500 Carbon frame is a more budget-friendly clone of the TBS 500 frame. This carbon frame is specially designed for building a long-range quadcopter for aerial photography and videography, as there is a special slot in the front for mounting the suspension.

The X500 Carbon frame comes with a PDB (power distribution board) to power the quadcopter and electronic components.

The frame measures 500mm on the motor axes and weighs about 400 grams. The battery is mounted in the tail, where there is a special mounting tab on the end of the bottom plate.

The extra load capacity makes this frame ideal for long flights with heavy camera and suspension.

The frame comes with pre-cut brass bushings for all frame bolts, so attaching the beams to the tower is a matter of minutes. In addition, the same size bolts are used on the entire structure and therefore a unique hex wrench of the same size, making installation of the equipment very convenient.




Карбоновая рама X500 Carbon 500мм tbs500 frame kitКарбоновая рама X500 Carbon 500мм tbs500 frame kit

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