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RX5832 5.8G video receiver for 32 channels

Price:981 uahPrice in USD:23.15
SKU 10371
Archival goods

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5.8G 32 channel video receiver for FPV, small and lightweight, good for compact use with helmets or monitors.




Connected to 6V - 30V DC power supply to one of the two connectors (red plus, black minus). Yellow is video output, white is audio output. See the wiring diagram below for details.


Видео приемник RX5832 5 8G на 32 канала  схема подключенияВидео приемник 5 8G на 32 каналаРазъемы  Видео приемник 5 8G на 32 каналаВидео приемник RX5832 5 8G на 32 канала таблица каналов

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