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FPV cable for GoPro Hero 3/4 with power. Mini USB to AV

Price:147 uahPrice in USD:3.50
SKU 14934


The cable is designed to connect GoPro Hero 3/4 action camera (Mini USB connector) as a course FPV camera on a quadcopter. The cable is equipped not only with video/audio output for connection to the
Usb port of the camera, but also to connect an external 5V 3A DC power supply (BEC), eliminating the need for the camera's internal battery.

Usage recommendations


video output 5v dc power bec input cable fpv кабель для gopro hero 3 4 с питанием  mini usb в avvideo output 5v dc power bec input cable fpv кабель для gopro hero 3 4 с питанием  mini usb в avvideo output 5v dc power bec input cable fpv кабель для gopro hero 3 4 с питанием  mini usb в av

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