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GPS module with compass Ublox NEO-6M HMC5883L. For APM

Price:817 uahPrice in USD:19.50
SKU 10122
Archival goods

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This GPS module with compass is suitable for APM 2.x flight controllers and is based on Ublox NEO-6M chip and HMC5883L compass. It has standard connectors for connection to APM.



GPS модуль с компасом Ublox NEO-M6 HMC5883L  Для APMGPS модуль с компасом Ublox NEO-M6 HMC5883L  Для APMGPS модуль с компасом Ublox NEO-M6 HMC5883L  Для APMGPS модуль с компасом Ublox NEO-M6 HMC5883L  Для APM

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