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Antenna TrueRC True-MoX 915MHz SMA 5.4dBi

Price:903 uahPrice in USD:20.99
Brand: TrueRCSKU 17349
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TheTrue-MoX 915 is a modification of TrueRC 's popular Moxon antenna using the latest 3D electromagnetic modeling tools and RadioFriendly PCB material designed for RF. Interaction with the radio or the pilot's body is reduced to almost zero thanks to the patented design. This radio antenna is ideal for use with the TBS Crossfire or FRsky R9M.

Note that this is not a patch, do not point the flat part at the target. Point the long edge of the antenna in the direction of the intended flight zone. The long edge should be pointing vertically to ensure vertical polarization.


*Coverage where reception is equivalent to at least omni-directional (omni).
**Coverage of at least 70% of the maximum range.


Антена True-MoX 915MHz SMAАнтена True-MoX 915MHz SMA

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