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Top racing quadcopter kit, qav210, COBRA 2204/KV2300, LittleBee 20A

Price:7 581 uahPrice in USD:181.13190.66
SKU 10454
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Top set of components for quadcopter on racing motors COBRA 2204/KV2300 with mini regulators LittleBee 20A on carbon frame qav210 - everything you need for racing and extreme FPV flights. The clarity, sharpness, responsiveness and audacity of the quadric is recommended.

The kit has everything for self-assembly of the quadcopter for fast FPV flights.

Supports 3-4S batteries.

Recommended propellers: 5040, 5045

You may also need radio equipment with receiver, battery and FPV equipment.

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Топовый гоночный набор квадрокоптера  qav210  COBRA 2204 KV2300  LittleBee 20A  квадрокоптер для сбоки и гонок пример  внешний вид

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