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Flying wing TBS Mojito PNP Set 230mm

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TheTBS Mojito PNP Set 230mm is a high-speed FPV wing with a boom design designed for stable and efficient flight. Thanks to its sophisticated aerodynamic profile, it reaches speeds of over 200 km/h while maintaining an economical mode in the range of 90-120 km/h. The body is made of impact-resistant EPP, reinforced with plastic and carbon fiber inserts, which ensures strength and durability. All mechanical connections are hidden inside the structure, which reduces drag and increases efficiency.

There are places to install cameras, servos, battery, receiver and antenna, which allows you to customize the wing for different communication systems. Two separate electronics compartments simplify the maintenance and connection of FPV equipment. The wings can be easily removed thanks to a quick release mechanism for easy transportation. The leading and trailing edges are injection molded for improved airflow control.

Two servos are included, and additional servos can be installed for pneumatic braking during landing. The wing supports 6S-8S batteries, which allows for a flight range of up to 100 km and an autonomy of up to 60 minutes. Thanks to its low drag and optimized shape, the TBS Mojito delivers high performance even in challenging conditions.



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Літаюче крило TBS Mojito PNP Set 230 mmЛітаюче крило TBS Mojito PNP Set 230 mmЛітаюче крило TBS Mojito PNP Set 230 mmЛітаюче крило TBS Mojito PNP Set 230 mmЛітаюче крило TBS Mojito PNP Set 230 mmЛітаюче крило TBS Mojito PNP Set 230 mmЛітаюче крило TBS Mojito PNP Set 230 mm

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