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Motors T-Motor F60 2207 Pro 2500KV

Price:1 084 uahPrice in USD:25.50
Archival goods

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T-Motor company does not get tired of pleasing demanding FPV pilots with its new products, this time the fruitful work of T-Motor brought to all fans of F versions new F60 Pro motors. From the announced improvements - the motors provide thrust over 1700g, have more power compared to their competitors. Silver plated windings and new bell design changes greatly reduce the possibility of the motor deforming on impact, giving a combined longer life.




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Tags: t-motor

Reviews and discussions

  • vasichkin26 Май 2017, 15:54
    Они 2207 или таки 2306 ?
  • it_was26 Май 2017, 16:22
    vasichkin, T-Motor F60 Pro - 2207

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