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Sunnysky X2212 980KV, 1250KV DJI 450,550, Sunnysky X2212 980KV, 1250KV motors. Original

Price:720 uahPrice in USD:17.20
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Sunnysky X2212 are some of the most popular brushless motors for 450 and 550 size frames. Great for use with 10x47 propellers and 3S LiPo battery. Also these motors are suitable for the DJI Phantom quadcopter.


General Specifications

Characteristics 980KV

1250KV Characteristics

980KV thrust testing

Propeller Voltage (V) Amps (A) Traction (g) Rpm/min Power (W) Efficiency (G/W)
1047 11.1 13.2 870 7100 146.5 5.93
1047 10 11.2 720 6580 112 6.42
1047 8 8 8.2 520 5630 65.6 7.9
1047 7.4 7.4 480 5360 54.7 8.77
1145 11.1 17.2 960 5830 190.9 5.02
1145 10 14.2 880 5500 142 6.19
1145 8.5 12 680 5000 102 6.66
9047 12 11 740 8400 132 5.6
9047 11.1 9.6 680 7900 106.5 6.38
9047 10 8.2 560 7380 82 6.82
9047 8.5 6.5 420 6520 55 7.63


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