SunnySky X2207S 2100KV are excellent thrust motors for 250 class quadcopters. They give good thrust on 5045 propellers and even more thrust on 6045 (more than 1kg per motor). Recommended speed controllers 20A BlHeli.
Price for 1 motor.
Stator outer diameter: 22mm
Strator thickness: 7mm
Number of stator slots: 9
Number of magnets: 12
Motor KV: 2100
No-load current: 0.9A
Maximum continuous current: 18A/30S
Maximum continuous power: 350W
Weight (including wire): 34G
Rotor diameter: 27.5mm
Propeller shaft diameter: M5
Body height: 20mm
Total motor height (with shaft): 33mm
Battery voltage: 2-4S
Recommended propellers: 5045, 6045
Package size: 6 x 5 x 4cm
Package Weight : 44g
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