Sunnysky R1806 high speed motors with 3mm steel shaft, quality copper winding and excellent balancing from the factory. Sunnysky motors are always quality at a fraction of the price.
RPM per volt: 2380KV
Stator diameter: 18mm
Stator thickness: 6mm
No-load current: 0.8A 10V
Resistance: 90 mOhm
Max. continuous current: 27A / 15sec.
Max. continuous power: 400W
Outer diameter: 22.4mm
Shaft diameter: 5mm
Motor height: 17mm
Max. voltage: 2-4S LiPo
Recommended ESC: 30-40A
Propellers: 4-5 inches
Weight: 21g
1 x Sunnysky R1806 2380KV motor
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