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SunnySky 1106 8000KV motors

Price:550 uahPrice in USD:12.99
Archival goods

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SunnySky 1106 8000KV small SunnySky 1106 8000KV collectorless motors for mini quadrocopters with frame size 90-150mm. Made of high quality aluminum alloy, yet light weight, and combined with high RPM provides excellent indoor maneuverability.

Price for 1pc.


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Long Yu SunnySky1104 7500KV   1106 8000KV FPV motor multi-axis motorLong Yu SunnySky1104 7500KV   1106 8000KV FPV motor multi-axis motorLong Yu SunnySky1104 7500KV   1106 8000KV FPV motor multi-axis motorLong Yu SunnySky1104 7500KV   1106 8000KV FPV motor multi-axis motor

Tags: sunnysky

Reviews and discussions

  • mixa13 Ноя 2017, 11:27
    Лише 2s? А кінгконг 130 хіба не ці мотори використовує?
  • Алексей Тереник5 Фев 2018, 18:04
    2-3s. Но под 3s оборотов многовато
  • hoppie26 Мар 2018, 01:12
    1104 7500 не ожидаются?

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