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TinySA Ultra 4" frequency analyzer 100k 5.3GHz

Price:6 152 uahPrice in USD:147.00
SKU 17536
In stock: 2 pc

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The TinySA Ultra handheld spectrum analyzer is used to measure the amplitude as well as display electrical signals as a function of frequency. It can recognize the range up to 5.3 (and in practice up to 6 GHz), which is impressive! It is equipped with a 4.0-inch capacitive color display capable of displaying the full crossover frequency range at 450 scan points. The device also offers two main modes of operation: standard and ultra, and has a number of useful options, such as a variable bandpass filter and a step input attenuator. It comes with a rechargeable battery that provides up to two hours of portable operation. Setup is quick and easy. In addition, the developers and the user community are quite active in supporting this project, so the firmware for the analyzer is frequently updated. TinySA Ultra has an affordable price, which is attractive not only for amateurs but also for use in specialized programs.

It is important to note that the maximum input signal level is limited to +6dBm, so it is recommended to use an attenuator in case of uncertainty about the input signal!

When not used as a spectrum analyzer, the TinySA Ultra can be used as a signal generator that outputs sinusoidal or rectangular waveforms.
The device is fully compatible with a PC via USB cable and has a built-in auto-diagnostic and self-calibration function using the internal signal generator.



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Аналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHzАналізатор спекру частот TinySA Ultra 4  100k 5 3GHz

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