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SonicModell Skyhunter Racing EPP 787mm KIT aircraft

Price:1 381 uahPrice in USD:32.99
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The 787mm SonicModell Skyhunter Racing airplane is a special updated version of the Skyhunter for racing, it is also the smallest and most portable airplane in the legendary Skyhunter FPV series. The twin tail wing design with twin tubes makes it very stable and maneuverable. The wing and Fuselage are made of durable EPP material, reinforced with carbon fiber tubes and rods. The lightweight but strong airplane can withstand even the toughest collisions. Due to its compactness it is not difficult to transport.



KIT version kit

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sonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планерsonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планерsonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планерsonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планерsonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планерsonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планерsonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планерsonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планерsonicmodell skyhunter racing epp 787mm wingspan fpv racer rc airplane - kit version самолет планер

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