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Antenna Mushroom SKYZONE FPV 4.9G-5.8G

Price:210 uahPrice in USD:5.00
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SKYZONE FPV antennas for audio and video reception are designed to operate at frequencies from 4.9GHz to 5.8GHz, providing efficient signal transmission. Thanks to modern technology, the antenna design contributes to a stable and reliable connection for drones. The antenna is available in several versions at the respective frequencies 5.0MHz/5.2MHz/5.8MHz/5.0MHz (L65mm)/5.8MHz (L65mm).





Антена SKYZONE FPV 4 9G - 5 8GАнтена Mushroom SKYZONE FPV 4 9G - 5 8GАнтена SKYZONE FPV 4 9G - 5 8GАнтена SKYZONE FPV 4 9G - 5 8G

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